
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Oxford owls (part 4)

 WALT:read a rod track to find patterns 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Christchurch earthquake

 hey Everyone welcome to my blog! today i am the first one to blog because i did work at home. :D! i worked really hard so i hope you like it!.

For our first create task we wrote out caption or bio the the blog post.The second create task was making what to do when a earthquake happens and what you would need in a safety kit.The last create task was that we had to get a sheet from our teacher about a news paper. And fill it out after that we worked on the Wigram press.

WALT:Use prior knowledge when making text-to-text connections  

CT 1 The story is about the Christchurch earthquake That hit the 4th of September 2010 2 people were seriously injured and 100 people injured 

-characters,Mum,Dad, Ellie,Penny,Penny’s Mum,Pennys Dad.

The first story is about a Little girl that read a book that was made after the Christchurch earthquake  its about a cat named tiger

The second text is explaining how a earthquake is formed and how it works an example is when the earth's surfaces collide that creates an earthquake

CT 2

CT 3

Monday, May 24, 2021

Oxford owls (part 3)

 WALT: Decide which is the best equipment to use to help solve division and number sentence


Friday, May 21, 2021

Cyclone tokotoru

 Hey everyone This week i read a book called cyclone tokotoru its a story about a cyclone that was going that was going to be three time then a usual cyclone never came.

Create task one was simple it was the same as last week we wrote about our story the complimentary text and the challenge text create task 2 was a little bit harder because we had to write  about what to do if the natural disaster happens .create task three was way more difficult because we had to look at a news paper Article and get a idea then we got a sheet from the teacher and wrote about the disatster. after we had to do a newspaper called the wigram press which is the last create task :D


create task one

3 siblings go to there grandmother’s house when there was a cyclone warning the ended up not being a cyclone

The first text tells on how people where bullying a girl and she didn’t want to go to School until the teacher told her to tell the story of her name

the next story tells how a cyclone would form and work.

create task 2

Create task 3


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Oxford Owls (part 2)

 Hey Everyone welcome back to my blog! today all of the math groups Joined together to use Oxford Owls. Today we had to make a animal a robot or a castle. i chose to make a animal or to be exact a dog :) i made a bone for him to! His name is Brock.I used numicon to make him he has 36 pieces. this is a Photo of him

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Oxford owls maths

 Hey guys this week for maths we went onto a new site called Oxford Owls for maths w used the Numicon interactive whiteboard.

WALT:Decide which is the best equipment to use to help Solve addition number scentences 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The weird zone

 hey guys this week i haven't finished all of my create tasks unfortunately but i'm still going to blog my work reading was the same as last week but i will explain the create tasks to you.

Walt  evaluate ideas and information in a narrative text.  

fist thing that happens is on Monday we do our book choices so we pick our books.chose the weird zone after we choose our books we start to read first we read by on our own then we read with a buddy i chose Tayla. (Her blog) Then we read on our own again. we start our first create task which is writing a short explanation of our 3 stories.  after that we start our second create task which Changing the last paragraph of the story.then when we finish that we go on to our last create task we write five questions to the main character as a police officer. after that we finish fast finishers and go onto prodigy on Friday.

Create task 1

Dad Has gone weird after Mum and him Separated.

We found him in the bath reading a comic we had to remind him

about the Camping trip we do every Boxing day.




The sister


A field mouse found a buffalo and challenged the Buffalo to a fight. The Buffalo got mad and  was running around but the field mice was not in sight.

Create task 2

Hello how are you doing today?

That's good.I have some questions to ask you .

Question 1. Have you had any bad Issues with your home after the Earthquake?

Question 2. Has anything been damaged in your home because of the earthquake

Question 3. Has anyone in your family been affected by the earthquake

Question 4.What type of damage has affected your house?

Question 5.has the earthquake affected your lifestyle by any chance?

Thank you for your time :)

Thursday, May 6, 2021

reading term 2 week 1

Hey guys welcome back to my blog! :)

This is what i did for reading first we had a sheet to fill out which is under these words after we finished that we had to re-write the last paragraph of our book (the longest story)  after we had finished that we had to write as if we were a police officer asking the main character questions and when we finished all of our work we get to play on prodigy!

Task one

A girl named Abeana was ready to get married so the father makes men say a long story and the man with the longest story gets Married to his Daughter

A chief loved stories and wanted a story teller so got his servants to tell the streets all the stories were boring until a boy game and told a story he became his new story teller

A spider named Anasi wanted to Own all the stories in world so he had to bring three of the biggest beasts a Python a lion and Hornets

Task 2

You win! You win! Please stop telling your

story Cried Abenas Father. Abeana Was so happy that she now finally had

a husband the young man couldn't have been happier 

Task 3

Hello miss. I have a report that you have took something away from someone i'm going to ask you 5 questions to ask you

Where were  you you around 5:30?

Have you found anything on the floor that looks like a diamond necklace

Do you have any diamond jewelry that i could inspect

Have you gone past abc street 

Are you friends with jojo

Do you know who jojo is ?

Thank you Miss Abeana